Support Emmaus Glasgow

Emmaus Glasgow is on a mission to bring warmth and comfort to those experiencing homelessness, and we need your help. Wondering how you can contribute? It's as easy as a few clicks on our Amazon Wishlist!

As temperatures drop, thermal clothing can make all the difference. By purchasing from our Amazon Wishlist, you're providing much-needed warmth to someone facing the harsh realities of living on the streets. Our Wishlist also incudes essentials for our soup kitchen and any contribution helps us share sustenance with those who need it most

How to Make a Difference in Three Simple Steps:

  1. Visit Our Amazon Wishlist: Click here to explore the carefully curated items on our wishlist. Each item has been selected to address the immediate needs of individuals experiencing homelessness.

  2. Choose Your Contribution: From warm clothing to practical essentials, every purchase is a step towards creating positive change.

  3. Complete Your Purchase: Once you've made your selection, proceed to checkout and complete your purchase. Amazon will handle the logistics, delivering the items directly to Emmaus Glasgow. It's a hassle-free way to make a meaningful contribution!

Your decision to shop from our Amazon Wishlist has a ripple effect. It's not just about the items themselves; it's about sending a powerful message of compassion and solidarity. Together, we can create a community where everyone feels seen, heard, and supported

Thank you for joining us in this journey and making our community a better place for everyone.